My Sony Membership Rules

  1. My Sony membership is strictly country and area specific and the Site is targeted at users resident in the Republic of Singapore. In order to become a My Sony member on this Site, you must register to be an e-warranty user or you must be a holder of a Sony product for which the warranty period is still running in which case Sony will invite you (if it has not already done so) to become a My Sony member.

  2. Members should be individual persons and not corporate entities. One membership is allowed per person. Your membership will be effective when your online registration is accepted and communicated to you via email acknowledging the new membership. You will receive a membership user ID and password that may be used by you for all your transactions on the Site.

  3. Use of your membership user ID is expressly limited to you and you may not transfer your membership to any other party, whether temporarily or permanently. You agree to bear sole responsibility for all use of your membership and for the confidentiality of your password. Sony will suspend access or change access to your account upon notification by you through e-mail to Sony that your password has been lost, stolen or otherwise compromised.

  4. Only registered My Sony members may access the services on the Site. You shall ensure that your membership user ID and password are kept in a secure and confidential manner, and you must not permit its release to third parties. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your membership user ID and password.

  5. If, at any time, you are no longer a user resident in the Republic of Singapore, please inform Sony promptly by e-mailing us or writing to us at Customer Contact Center, 2 International Business Park, #01-10 Tower One, The Strategy, Singapore 609930. Sony will reply to you with details of how your My Sony Membership may be affected or terminated by Sony.

  6. You hereby agree to:-
    1. be solely responsible for and take all such measures and steps to maintain and protect the confidentiality of your password (including but not limited to changing your password from time to time);
    2. take all such measures and steps to prevent any unauthorised use of your membership user ID;
    3. taking all such measures and steps to prevent publication of your password;
    4. be solely responsible for any and all activities which occur and/or any and all messages, information and other materials furnished, created and/or posted under your membership user ID;
    5. immediately notify Sony if you become aware of or have reason to believe that there is any unauthorised use of your membership user ID or any other breach of security, to co-operate with Sony in all such security investigations and to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Sony for any liability or expense arising from such use or misuse.
  7. You are responsible for any and all activities and transactions performed through your membership user ID on the Site. Any transaction or use of the Site under your membership user ID which is authenticated by your password shall be deemed to be on your behalf or as your agent, with due authorization from you at all times. Any transaction made on the Site using any of your membership user ID and password and through your membership user ID shall be deemed to be binding on you. Use of the Site by any unauthorized personnel is prohibited. You shall notify Sony immediately of any unauthorized use of any user identification, passwords or other security information, or breach of security. Sony cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this requirement.

  8. You shall acquire no rights to your membership user ID or password selected by you or assigned to you by Sony and Sony reserves the right to change the same as its sole discretion without being liable to you for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever (whether direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, exemplary or consequential) suffered.

  9. You are required to provide information about yourself for registration or otherwise which is complete and accurate. You may update the information online from time to time.

  10. You must promptly inform Sony of any: (1) changes in your home address; (2) breaches of security, including loss, theft, or unauthorised disclosure or use of your membership user ID or password; or (3) changes in your e-mail address. Until Sony receives notice of a breach of security, you will remain liable for any unauthorised use charged to your membership user ID.

  11. You acknowledge and represent that: (a) you are not younger than 13 years old; or (b) where you are younger than 13 years old, that you have obtained the consent of one or both of your parents or of your guardian, in respect of your use of the Site and your membership user ID.

  12. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Site as a MY SONY member shall be governed by the prevailing My Sony Terms and Conditions of Use (detailed above) and that any breach by you of these My Sony Terms and Conditions of Use shall constitute a breach by you of these My Sony Membership Rules.

  13. You also agree to abide by and comply with a separate set of terms and conditions in respect of any purchase of Products by you arising out of or in connection with your use of the Site.

  14. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that any contracts in relation to the purchase of Products from any third party by you arising out of or in connection with your use of the Site are between such third party and you, and that insofar as Sony is involved in any such contract, Sony is acting only as an agent or contractor of that third party. You acknowledge and agree that in all circumstances your only recourse in respect of any such contract shall be against that third party, and that you shall not under any circumstances have any recourse against Sony.

  15. Information and materials which you find published on the Site may be the property of Sony or others, and may be protected by and/or contain various intellectual property rights, including without limitation copyrights and trademarks. You may not copy, redistribute or commercially exploit such materials without the express written permission of the owner(s) of such information or materials.

  16. You warrant that all materials you submit for publication or posting on the Site will not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, design right or other statutory, common law or proprietary rights of others, or contain anything obscene or libelous. By submitting information or materials owned by you for publication or posting on, or distribution through, the Site, you will be deemed to have granted Sony non-exclusive permission to redistribute by transmission the information or materials worldwide without charge or liability. Sony reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, but is under no obligation, to refuse to post, delete or edit any information that you submit or enter into the Site. You agree that you will not hold, nor seek to hold, Sony liable for the loss of data or the misappropriation or infringement of any intellectual property right to which you claim ownership. You agree that Sony is the owner of any and all rights and interests (including without limitation copyrights) in the Site.

  17. You acknowledge that from the Site you can access World Wide Web content that might contain illegal or offensive materials. You acknowledge that Sony is not liable for any World Wide Web content, other than that which it or its authorised agents or contractors directly author.

  18. You acknowledge that Sony has the right to delete any of your files on the Site, at its sole and absolute discretion.

  19. Sony may terminate your membership or take any other action it deems in its sole and absolute discretion necessary and/or appropriate, if it believes, in its sole and absolute discretion, that you have violated any of these My Sony Membership Rules.

  20. In the event of termination of your membership for any reason, you will remain obligated not to violate the rights of any person or entity with respect to any materials you may have downloaded from the Site.

  21. All areas and portions of the Site are considered public and, as such, there is no expectation of privacy or confidentiality. Sony reserves the right to maintain, and make use of, chat logs, and any other means that it deems in its sole and absolute discretion necessary and/or appropriate, to ensure that subscribers to the Site are complying with the rules of online behaviour above.

  22. Sony makes no warranties on the future availability of any content on the Site. It reserves the right to modify or discontinue any content on the Site at any time, for any reason, without any advance notice.

  23. You agree to indemnify and hold Sony, its parents, subsidiaries, content providers and their officers and employees, harmless from any claims and expenses, including reasonable legal expenses, arising out of or in connection with your violation of these My Sony membership rules, including any abusive or unlawful behaviour on the part of you or anyone using your membership user ID or password, and / or the infringement of any intellectual property or other right of any person in connection with your use of any portion of the site or your memebership user ID.

  24. Sony reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to modify without prior warning or notice these My Sony Membership Rules. You agree that your continued use of the Site after such modification shall constitute an affirmative acknowledgement by you of the modifications and agreement by you to abide and be bound by such modifications. As such, Sony recommends and advises you to visit this web page to review the prevailing My Sony Membership Rules on the Site.

  25. These My Sony Membership Rules are governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore and any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection to this Agreement or the breach thereof including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, the parties hereto shall use their best endeavors to settle such disputes or differences through amicable discussions. To this effect, they shall consult and negotiate with each other, in good faith and understanding of their mutual interests, to reach an equitable solution satisfactory to both parties. If the parties are unable to reach any solution within a period of thirty (30) days after the commencement of the negotiation or thirty (30) days from the date upon which one of the parties shall issue a notice for submission of the matter for arbitration pursuant to this Clause, whichever is the later, then the disputes or differences shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre ("SIAC Rules") for the time being in force which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this Clause.