Sony Consumer Electronics Support
Here are some quick steps you can take to answer your question:

Sothai QR code Chat/Email Support
Sony Electronics Live Chat
Chat with our support team if you have a query relating to your TV, Camera, Audio Device or Accessory

Hours of operation:
7 days a week: 0900 – 2000

Sony Electronics Bot Chat
Our automated chatbot is available for self-service support.
Hours of operation: 24 hours a day,
7 days a week
Sony Electronics General Query
Email us if you have a general enquiry relating to your TV, Camera, Audio Device or Accessory
Sony Electronics Repair Request
Email us if your TV, Camera, Audio Device or Accessory requires troubleshooting or a repair
Sony Broadcast and Professional Support
Sothai QR code Phone Support
Sony Electronics
Call our support team if you have a query relating your TV, Camera, Audio Device or Accessory
Hours of operation:
7 days a week: 0900 – 1800
Sony Mobile
Call our support team if you have a query relating your Mobile phone or Accessory
Hours of operation:
Mon-Fri: 0900 - 1700

 PlayStation Support

Please contact the Sony PlayStation Support team if you have a query relating to your PlayStation Hardware, Online account or online purchases.
Hours of operation:
Mon-Fri 0800-1600
Sony PlayStation
Please visit the Sony PlayStation support site if your query relates to your PlayStation Hardware, Online account or online purchases
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